On a recent visitto my wife's sister in Tn we were fascinated by the hummingbirds. We saw one in our yard a couple of years ago. We keep a feeder in hopes they will show up. We probably took a million pics (well, not quite a million)
This Cross was an idea my wife had to place in the foyer of our Church for Easter.
Fran and Sylvia helped her implement the idea. (I hauled the rocks)
It was so well received our Pastor wanted it left up during April.
Heb 12: 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
I am a professing Christian and a retired Air National Guardsman.
Since my retirement I have beem actively involved in my Church. I have a great interest in assisting others in becoming Christians.
If you are interested in the abundant life Jesus referred to in John 10:10 as well as securing a home in Heaven He has prepared according to John 14. I would be happy to try to help you.
I enjoy my family which consists of my wife (awesome lady) 3 children and their spouses as well as 7 grandchildren.